This function downloads the data for population, crude birth rate and crude death rate
A tibble with the requested data:
- population
Total population
- birth_rate
Crude Birth Rate (per mil)
- death_rate
Crude Death Rate (per mil)
#> # A tibble: 64 × 7
#> iso2c iso3c country date birth_rate death_rate population
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 CH CHE Switzerland 1960 17.7 9.8 5327827
#> 2 CH CHE Switzerland 1961 18.3 9.4 5434294
#> 3 CH CHE Switzerland 1962 18.7 9.9 5573815
#> 4 CH CHE Switzerland 1963 19.3 10 5694247
#> 5 CH CHE Switzerland 1964 19.5 9.3 5789228
#> 6 CH CHE Switzerland 1965 19.1 9.5 5856472
#> 7 CH CHE Switzerland 1966 18.5 9.4 5918002
#> 8 CH CHE Switzerland 1967 17.9 9.2 5991785
#> 9 CH CHE Switzerland 1968 17.3 9.5 6067714
#> 10 CH CHE Switzerland 1969 16.7 9.5 6136387
#> # ℹ 54 more rows